Customised statistics
Last updated: 13 August 2024.
For a fee you can order a selection of statistics from most of our registers.
If you do not find the information you are searching for, we can offer customised statistics.
Examples of customised statistics:
- The number of public limited companies and number of board members per 31 December 2020, divided among women and men.
- The number of recently registered enterprises and struck-off enterprises with a specified industrial code, in Tromsø, in the period 2019 and 2020.
- The number of limited companies in Oslo without an audited annual account and number of registered limited companies in Oslo.
- The number of recently registered limited companies with a share capital of NOK 30.000 in the period from 1 January 2012 to 30 April 2012, and the number of Norwegian registered foreign companies that have been struck off in the same period.
Send an inquiry of your desired statistics. We will send the statistics to you in an e-mail.
Finished statistics
Perhaps you will find what you are looking for in our ready-made statistics. These can be downloaded for free. Here you can find statistics from 2019 until today.