Customised information
Last updated: 30 July 2024.
For a fee, you can place an order for customised information from most of our registers.
A great deal of the public information registered with us is available as open data, where you can find the information you are looking for. If the information is not available as open data, you can take a look at the information about our products or you can order a customised product of information.
Here are examples of customisations we can deliver:
- Specified figures from the annual accounts of all the limited companies in the municipality of Trondheim
- A list of all the enterprises in Oslo with a turnover of more than NOK 50 million in 2016
- A list of all NUF enterprises in Oslo and Stavanger with a parent company in Great Britain
- All the enterprises in Tromsø with more than ten employees and with registered distrainments in the register of Mortgaged Moveable Property
- A list of all the enterprises that have been submitted to the district court due to lack of a registered board, an auditor or submitted annual accounts.
All the products can be delivered electronically in various formats. Please send an inquiry through our contact form.