The address of people with roles in the Register of Business Enterprises and the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities
Last updated: 10 December 2024.
In some cases, the Register of Business Enterprises needs information about the residential address or home address for role holders when case processing or for the purpose of public notice. Most people have an address in the National Population Register, but not everyone.
The National Population Register is the national component of personal data and provides the Register of Business Enterprises and the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities with the role holders’ addresses. Our registers are continuously updated with this information.
The National Population Register lacks residential address information for some individuals with a personal identification number and home address for some individuals with a d-number. This means that we do not receive address information for these role holders.
In some cases, the Register of Business Enterprises needs information about the residential address or home address for role holders to verify residential requirements pursuant to special legislation or to inform possible creditors during a dissolution about where to direct claims, if any. If the National Population Register lacks this information, you must provide us with these address details.
We need the address to:
- verify the residential requirements for the board and the general manager of limited companies, public limited companies, and cooperatives pursuant to the Limited Liability Companies Act section 6-11 and the Cooperatives Societies Act section 75
- include the chairman’s name and address in the creditor notice on our website when a business is filing for dissolution. This applies to the chairman of the board in limited companies, public limited companies, cooperatives, housing cooperatives, and house building cooperatives
How to report the address in the form Coordinated register notification
When retrieving a previously registered board, persons missing an address must be deleted from the table and re-entered. You must have the person’s personal identification number and address. Re-entered board members are not required to confirm in the form that they have taken on the board assignment.
For people with a foreign address, it is important to note that the name of the country should always be written in full and not be abbreviated. Please check the correct spelling of countries with Statistics Norway in advance.